Publication Fee
As of 5 February 2024, JOEDS charges an Article Processing Fee (APF) of RM 100 per submission for Malaysian authors, and RM 300 for international authors.
- Please make the Article Publication Fee payable to _______________ .
- Bank Name : CIMB (CIMB Bank Berhad)
- Recipient Name : Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
- Account Number : 8002234307
- Swift Code : CIBBMYKL
- Bank Address : CIMB Bank Berhad, Lot 1.04 & 1.05 Level 1 Wisma Unikeb, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
- Total: RM 300 (for international authors) or RM 100 (for Malaysian authors)
- Item: Article Processing Fee for JOEDS .
Update (5 February 2024): JOEDS has discounted its Article Processing Fee (APF) to RM 100 per submission for local authors, and RM 300 for international authors, effective 5 February 2024.
Note: There was a special waiver on the publication fee for the inaugural volume of Journal of Ethnic and Diversity Studies (JOEDS) for the year 2022- April 2023 (first two issues). However, as of 5 February 2024, JOEDS charges an Article Processing Fee (APF) of RM 100 per submission for Malaysian authors, and RM 300 for international authors.