The ‘‘Anglophone crisis’’ in Cameroon:
cultural diversity as governmentality of (post)colonial divide
Postcolonial state, Anglophone-Francophone divide, Discourse of diversity, Governmentality, Intercultural communicationAbstract
This article attempts to highlight the challenges of the discourse of diversity in Cameroon. It shows the strategic function of diversity as governmentality of the Anglophone-Francophone conflictuality of which the war of secession in Anglophone Cameroon is the manifestation. The notion of diversity and the communication that accompanies it are at the center of a major issue here: neutralizing the Franco-British colonial heritage and bringing English-speaking secessionist forces back into the national arena. The discourse of diversity serves to build consensus around national unity. The article also shows how the question of diversity arises in Cameroon less in terms of race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration, social class, and age – categories particularly mobilized in studies on diversity in the West. In Cameroon and in much of Africa, the notion of diversity refers to precolonial and (post)colonial ethnicity.
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