Fostering Community Resilience through Public Spaces in Low Cost Housing in Selangor


  • Nor Zalina Harun Institute of the Malay World and Civilizations
  • Khalilah Zakariya Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Mazlina Mansor Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia


migration, rural, urban, public space, low cost strata housing


Rural-urban migration has intensified in many developing regions, including Selangor, Malaysia, leading to an increasing demand for affordable housing. In response, the government has implemented a zero-slum policy aimed at eradicating informal settlements through the promotion of high-rise, low-cost housing developments. However, these projects often neglect the quality of public spaces, resulting in social isolation and environmental degradation. This study examines three low-cost strata housing projects in Selangor, analysing how inadequate public spaces exacerbate social and environmental issues, including overcrowding, limited community interaction, and reduced ecological resilience. Through qualitative and quantitative assessments, the research reveals that the lack of well-designed public spaces within these developments contributes to social fragmentation and environmental stress. Residents report feelings of disconnection, reduced safety, and limited recreational opportunities. Conversely, case studies of successful public space interventions highlight transformative impacts on social cohesion and community well-being. By integrating green areas, communal facilities, and inclusive design, these interventions foster interaction among residents, enhance social ties, and promote a sense of belonging. The findings indicate that enhancing public spaces in low-cost housing can significantly improve the quality of life for residents, bridging the gap created by rapid urbanization. The study underscores the need for policymakers to prioritise public space design in future housing initiatives, aligning with the goals of the zero-slum policy while addressing the socio-environmental challenges posed by rural-urban migration. Ultimately, this research advocates for a holistic approach that considers both housing and public space as interconnected elements vital for fostering sustainable urban communities in Selangor.


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How to Cite

Harun, N. Z., Zakariya, K., & Mansor, M. (2024). Fostering Community Resilience through Public Spaces in Low Cost Housing in Selangor. Journal of Ethnic and Diversity Studies (JOEDS), 2(2). Retrieved from